2011 Running Goal: 500 MILES!!!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Wow - that long?!?

How in the world could I let a month go by without posting.  Hmmmm, maybe I'm not cut out to be a "blogger"...  but I hope I am!  We'll have to see over the next month, huh?!?  :)

I have had a fantastic few weeks with running.  I feel stronger, I've gone farther than ever, ran hills during a recent trip to TX (hello land of HEAT!) and am 44 days from my FIRST 1/2 MARATHON!  WOOT!  "I'm good enough, I'm strong enough, and doggoneit, people like me!"  Quick, name that SNL character!

Heading for a run tonight with my running buddy Cheryl and looking forward to it.  She's been nursing a calf injury and we've both been traveling, so it's been a few weeks since we have ran together.  We met through TNT and have become fast friends.  She'll be doing Ragnar KW in January this year with another team, but we'll be able to live it up for a day or two in KW after crossing the finish line!  We're going for an hour tonight and I need it.  I had a fantastic run on Saturday, really the best run I've ever had since this crazy journey began, then Sunday night my back started spasming.  So I skipped last night's run and went to the chiropractor.  I'm still a bit stiff today, but hopeful that with some heat, ice, heat and good drugs (lol) I'll be ready after dinner tonight.

Happy running and here's hoping I get back on the blogging track!  :)

Monday, July 11, 2011

Running Log, Entry #4

We're back in business, baby!  Saturday's Team in Training group run was fantastic - longest distance of my life - 5.3 miles, and I could have kept going!  :)  We have a "mock event" this Saturday - 7 miles and I'm not that terrified!  I'm ready to smash those 7 miles and then I can say that I've run more than halfway to a half marathon.  I'm getting so excited!

I am desperate for new kicks - my running shoes are WORN OUT.  Not only are the soles worn out, but they have stretched out so much that my feet slide around in them and blisters are forming.  Ouch.  I have been to two running stores so far - the first I did not get a good "vibe" for, and the second (the largest within 45 miles) had nothing in my size.  HUH?  I've got 3 more places to try, but the problem is that I don't want to take the kids.  Trying to concentrate on what the salesperson is saying while preventing them from tearing the place up.  For my four miles tonight my plan is to rub Body Glide over my feet, hope for the best and pray that I find shoes tomorrow!  :)

Happy Running,

5.3 miles
72 minutes
13.58 pace

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Unplanned Rest Day

Well, with all good comes a little bad, right?  Apparently when I set my new 5K PR, I also tweaked my back.  A LOT.  I've been pumping my body full of ibuprofen, alternating hot and cold packs, and I'm finally giving in and going to the chiropractor tonight.  I pray for relief and that I'll be back on my CONSISTENT training track again!  :)

Happy Running,

0.0 Miles
0.0 Pace

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Running Log, Entry #3


On the books for today was another 42 minute run. My niece was here and she agreed to go running (jogging for her, LOL) with me. She ran all through high school and a few years in college. I was nervous for her to "see me in action" as well as excited for us to share this new chapter in my life. I was also curious to see what would happen to my pace if I changed it to a 1:30 / :45... could less time running = a faster pace?

I knew that a 42 minute run usually took me 3.1 miles - a 5K. Sometimes it took 43 min or 44 min, but you get the picture. We woke up a bit later than I'd hoped and the Florida sun was already in full effect. I felt sluggish and not "with it" for our workout. As I shuffled to turn the corner onto my street at the end of our run, I pulled my cell phone out of my Spibelt and looked at my CardioTrainer app. I could not believe what I was seeing! I was about to beat my 5K pace! So I kicked it into high gear and sprinted home! I DID IT! A NEW PR for the holiday! It was a great way to celebrate my 4 month running anniversary!

It's not a fantastic pace, but for me, it is a huge improvement! It is my fastest 5K distance so far, on a hot, humid morning! I am anxious to see what my pace is on tomorrow evening's run. There is a 5K I am contemplating on Thurs, July 21st @ 7:00 pm. I wonder if I can make it a sub 40:00 race?!? Hmmmm...

Happy Running,

3.1 miles
13:23 per mile

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Running Log, Entry #2

Today was a group training run with Team in Training. We meet in downtown West Palm Beach and run along the inter coastal waterway. Today our Coach threw in a surprise - we were running the bridge as well - on the way out and the way back. No biggie, right? Sure, except I live in Florida where it is FLAT. I was hoping to add mileage to this week's long run, but quickly decided to alter my goal. Now I wanted to RUN this bridge! :) Oh - did I mention it was raining?!? hehehe

Two of my teammates were apprehensive about pacing themselves. I shared that this was my first week of training that I'd completed ALL three days of solo runs during the week and doing intervals of 1:45 / :45 (Jeff Galloway's run-walk-run method, found at www.jeffgalloway.com) and that my pace was S-L-O-W. They were game. Usually I love running solo. I'm not a fan of chatting it up out there - with three boys ages 6, 4 and 2 at home, I have enough chatter in my life. One of my loves from running is the fact that it is me and the road. I can go out there, think, zone out, whatever... just BE.

In any case, we started out. After the first 1/2 mile, it was time for... THE BRIDGE. WE NAILED IT!!! Feeling strong, at the bottom we realized it was time to turn around and tackle it again. Again, we were victorious! WOOHOO! At the bottom of the bridge (where we started) was our first water stop. While we all run with water, the Team In Training water stops are COLD water. Ahhhh! Then we were off! At 33 minutes it was time to turn around. By the time we got to the bridge, we decided one of our 1 min 45 sec runs needed to be a walk. Felt more like a crawl because it was during the time we were working our way up that bridge! In any case, when we made it to the other side, we nailed it going back.

When we got back, as expected, our mm was slower. Darned bridge! HA! In any case, we DID it! We only took ONE extra walk break in 66 minutes! YAHOO! What's more is that I REALLY enjoyed running with these ladies! I hope we can keep this up for a few weeks and see where it takes us!

Happy Running,

66 minutes
4.4 miles
15:00 per mile (yuck, but with HILLS, haha!)

Friday, July 1, 2011

Running Log, Entry #1

Nothing extraordinary about last night's training run. Currently I am with Team in Training for the Walt Disney Wine and Dine 1/2 Marathon and our solo weekday runs are 42 minutes, 42 minutes and 30 minutes. This week I ran 42 min on Monday, 30 min on Tuesday and 42 minutes last night. It was raining Floria style, so I went to our neighborhood's clubhouse and pounded out the miles on the DREADMILL! LOL! At least I could watch Tom Cruise while I ran. Don't judge - it was pre-flipping-out-on-Oprah's-couch Tom Cruise...YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH Tom. Ahhhh, he looked good. I continued with my 1:45/:45 interval run-walk-runs and it seems to be a good fit for me at this stage.

Wait - where was I? Oh yes, this is the first week since joining T.I.T. that I have done every training scheduled. Usually I would let life get in the way of my running. Last week my husband and I sat down and decided that if I was REALLY going to do this race and raise $2,100 (*gulp!*) for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, I needed to just do it. (Sorry, Nike. Stealing your line.) So, this week I let my running get in the way of my life. I. DID. IT. I am proud of myself, and that is a new emotion for me. It feels pretty darned good.

I am still such a slow runner. I'm averaging a 14 minute mile pace. YUCK. However, I've decided to *try* not to focus on that and be consistent with my training for 4 weeks. In four weeks I'll be stronger, and with strength will hopefully come speed. I'll start thinking about adding some speed training into the mix in August. Any advice from veteran runners out there is appreciated. :)

Until next time,
Happy Running,

3.1 miles
13:54 minutes per mile

Thursday, June 30, 2011


Hello Peeps!
I'm excited about this new chapter in my life! My name is Beth and I'm a runner. That didn't sound right. I. am. a. runner! There, that's better! After life of 39 years, I still have a hard time convincing myself that I run. Hmmmm, maybe I should explain...

At Christmastime, I knew I was unhappy. I mean, I love the holidays, I have been blessed with a wonderful husband and three fantastic boys. However, I was still holding on to tons of baby weight from my pregnancy. From 2008. Yep, 2.5 years earlier. (I am one of those people who endured several painful miscarriages, thought I could never give birth so we adopted two wonderful boys, thought our family was complete, got pregnant and nine months later gave birth to a healthy handsome little boy!) I had no energy and had three little princes to keep up with, ages 5, 4 and 2. I knew there was more to life than the way I was feeling. I had a touch of depression as well. Nice mixture, huh?!?

Fast forward to January of this year. My husband was running in a relay race. Not just a quick race with a few people, but THIS race. We live in the West Palm Beach, FL area, so the second day of the race, I drove down to Key West and volunteered for 6 hours at one of the exchange points. I had a BLAST. I saw runners of all ages, shapes, some in outlandish costumes, some limping into the exchange, but the common denominator was that they all seemed to be in good spirits. These were people who had been running for almost 30 hours, traveling in a van with 5 other people for the past day from Miami to Key West, who were sleep deprived and ready for a beer. I was amazed at their attitudes! So many of them thanked me for my time, smiled and included me in their team pictures! It was then and there that I decided I wanted whatever high they were on!

So, I started walking two days later. I walked and walked and walked. I was determined to get my endurance built up. I was determined to BECOME A RUNNER. I wanted to be HERE with my husband next year, running, not volunteering. *DISCLAIMER: There is NOTHING wrong with volunteering at events and not running or walking them. Without the hard work of volunteers, we would not have races to participate in. End of disclaimer.* Finally, after finishing a 5 mile walk one night, my husband turned to me and said, "How much farther are you going to walk before you start running?" Ouch. He was right. It was March. I had registered for my first 5K for the end of April. What was I waiting for? I was scared. Scared of failing.

I started the C25K program. Some days were a cinch. Empowering. I'd feel like a million bucks and was on top of the world. Other days just plain sucked. One really hot day I puked 1/2 way through my run. That was the lowest of lows for me. The difference in my life? I KEPT GOING. I ran my first 5k. Well, I ran, walked, ran, walked some more, jogged, etc, but I crossed that finish line. My pace was pathetic, but I FINISHED. Here I am after my first race:

I also registered for the 2012 Florida Keys Ragnar Relay! (By the way, our team still has three slots available. Relaxing for a day or two post race will be amazing right after the holidays!) In addition, I am involved with Team in Training and will be running the Walt Disney Wine and Dine 1/2 marathon on October 1st. Running is becoming a part of who I am and I could not be more excited about it!

I wanted to start this blog to share experiences, get advice, build commorderie in the running community and meet some new and interesting peeps! If you have a running blog, please let me know - I'd love to add you to my blog roll.

Thanks for stopping by - I'm off for a run. Today's 1/2 marathon training is a 42 minute run. I might be a wild woman and push it to 45 minutes! :) Hold me back, I am a rebel!

Happy Running!